I found an old coffee table for $20 at

The table top was attached to this metal base...didn't care for that to much, so my vision was to discard the base and add turned wooden legs.
What the finish looked like before I began...stained pine. (Sometimes I get so excited to launch into the project that I forget to take the before picture.)

The table top, removed, black basecoat painted, and legs added. The open space is where that cute little shallow drawer goes.
A wood piece was added on all four sides under the original top so that I would have something to screw the legs into, and it was extended about 1/8" from the edge to add some depth and width.
Then painted the whole thing black!
Of course, I didn't stop there...
...a couple of coats of white over that, in order to sand through and obtain the distressed finish that we all love.
Lots of hand sanding on the sides and the legs...which is NOT my favorite thing...
...thank goodness for a power sander for the table top.
Then a light brown wash over the whole thing to age it some more...
...added the "fly spec", and sprayed it with 2 coats of polyurethane.

Love it! This has become one of my most favorite pieces of furniture. Cost me about $40-50 all in all, so not to "shabby". It WAS a pretty involved project, however, and I'm glad this one's done!
Completed project, dressed up a bit...now on to my next undertaking!
Now, no room for the ottoman here, so a re-cover was in order for another room.
Halfway there...
Gotta love a staple gun...oh, and where would we be without those power screwdrivers!
The finished product with a little runner to add some contrast. |
Fun! I am very happy with the finished product and use of each piece. Now I need to do some trimwork and hang some shutters..There's always going to be something to fix, redo, add or make!