A new year has begun and I am itchin' to revise the living room now! I began my morning by re-arranging some of the furniture and got some painting projects underway.

I have had this old blue suitcase for several years and somewhere, saw the idea to paint it white. I love the look of stacking things and it will be so versatile for other uses in the future, but this is what I came up with today.

I think I will need to collect some more!

In December I found this little side table at a garage sale for $5, and think it will be a nice addition to the room, after I give it a new finish.

So, I got busy sanding, then grabbed the
Kilz and went to work painting.

I am going to let it cure over night, put the top coat on, do some more sanding, then use some
antiquing glaze. I'll let you know how it turns out, so ya gotta check back!

I need another perspective though...the blue cube on the right is what was there before...what's your vote? Paint that one white and keep that one in it's place, or use the new table?
I appreciate all of your comments and opinions! Have a fabulous weekend!