As much as I adore gathering treasures to remake, I like to collect decorating books and magazines, and I do it much the same being thrifty! I frequent book stores and always check the mark-down area for home decorating books to add to my assortment, and each time I unquestionably cannot wait to get it home to peruse over it's pages.

I have them all over the house!

This "Decorating, Cottage Style" has to be one of my all-time favorite inspirational books, and I absolutely adore this issue of Victoria Magazine's "Classic Rooms of Bliss", for that is just what they are! You have to get a copy of this and cherish it forever! (It is currently available on newsstands.)

The Better Homes and Gardens books are usually a good bet and I can always find something fun in them...and of course Country Living! I picked this one up in Canada recently, (I'm not sure if they are sold in the U.S. anymore) but I get 'em where I can!

I love the title on the cover of this Country Home Mag...Decorate With What You Love, because that is what it's all about!

As sisters in the blogging world we all share an intense passion for this stuff and it has been immensely enjoyable for me to partake in a whole new world of shared ideas through your blogs! To all of you out there in blogger land, thanks for the exchange, and the new outlet I have found to add to the mix!
Have a fabulous day!