On a whim, I checked out the
Habitat for Humanity Restore in our neighborhood on Friday. As soon as I walked in I saw this incredible soup tureen and instantly fell in love! It was marked $10 and, being me, I really didn't want to pay that much, so I walked around the store to "think about it". I was pretty smitten so was going to bite the bullet but, as I was looking, another customer informed me that the store just happened to be having a 50% off sale on dishes and glassware that day...my daughter and I "high-fived", and (woo hoo), I realized there was another score under my belt!

Lookin' very vintage, love it!

Then we came across a coffee table that would be an excellent redo, but it was $50! Well, there was no way, that I was going to pay that much...but then heard the news from an employee, that the entire store's merchandise would be 50% off the following day. Need I say more? We got up early enough to get there before the store opened to get a place in line!

Don't ya love how it is so well used and perfectly distressed...it will look great painted black!

This is a no brainer!

Happy Monday!

Okay now it's your turn, today's the day...as promised, I am beginning the Linky Tools Party, and would love it, if you would post your "Rusty Rave Monday" discoveries!