Okay, so here's my first post for the RUSTY RAVE MONDAY (Better late, than never!) By the way, hope you had a Happy Columbus Day...and since it was a holiday today, I spent the day with my girls so still didn't have time to put together the linky party that I talked about several weeks ago...I'd like to say that I will get to it on Friday, but have got to be realistic here, and tell you that I pretty much, probably won't get to it until next week cause my birthday is coming up in a couple of days...here's to more distractions!
I did go out thrifting this weekend and had another very productive experience! I obtained a bunch of good stuff but am only going to highlight a couple of items for you at present.

I found this cute little, perfectly shabby, wire plate rack for only $4 at garage sale! I didn't have to do a thing to it...it's rusty and worn in all the right spots.

Now I just need to add to my collection of stoneware tea cups.

Another fabulous find that I came across, and I must say, was an absolutely unbelievable score, were these antique spectacles for just 10 cents!

They are so delicate, it seems that the owners may have gone through pairs pretty fast, and that may be why they are damaged.

I googled it, and found this picture, which, clearly, is pretty exact, other than, of course, mine is missing the wire earpiece; but, to me, when it's not in "perfect" condition, it makes the article that much more interesting. This was an exciting find. Way cool!

Have a wonderful week, chat with you later!
