Every year, since my triplets were very small, "mom" and all the girls have had a Mother's Day Tea Party! We dress up in "tea party" attire, wear hats, and use our best manners and "tea party" conversation. It has been a fun tradition that actually got started by accident but we have continued to perpetuate it!
Over a decade ago, we had an interior designer friend who became a surrogate grandmother to our family. She had the children over to her house several times for various activities such as, decorating cookies at Halloween, Easter egg coloring and hunting, and then of course the May tea party. Each time she had one of these "affairs", we got to use all of her lovely things and everything was lavishly prepared and very elaborate.

Over the years, I have gradually purchased tea party dishes and items which the girls will be able to take with them when they leave home. During the time when I was employed by
Mikasa, I was in the position to take advantage of a nice discount to obtain a lot of these things at a great price!

Now that Kaitlin is a college student who is almost 21, and soon to be married...I will be handing her the "baton" and she can take over the planning and preparation, she did much of it this year!

Some years there has been a schedule conflict and a few of my girls have been MIA, but this year I had ALL of my daughters in attendance, as well as, my good friend, Glenna and her daughter. That was the best Mother's Day gift of all, and we had a splendid time!

Hope your day was wonderful!