I have been otherwise occupied with travel and projects and haven't posted in a while, so here's a little bit of what I've been up to...

I refinished a table that I have been storing in my garage!

I was inspired by this
Pottery Barn beauty which is priced at $700.

I found this table about a year ago and picked it up for $25!

It wasn't in too bad of shape, but was in need of some sanding and TLC.

I didn't want to totally mimic the Pottery Barn style, so I sanded down to the wood as much as possible to smooth out the scuffs and scratches.

I decided that I was just a bit crazy, beginning a project like this during July in Arizona! I was up early in the morning to try and beat the heat, but we were still at three-digit temperatures.

So I took it inside to paint!

After I let it cure for a day or two, I had to take it outside again to sand some more.

But I love the way it turned out!

We got out the glaze and did some finishing touches!


I have also taken to using wallpaper remnants to "paper my drawers". It's a fun finishing touch!

From this...

...to this! Then more glazing...


While I had the glaze out...

This used to be black, much better now!

I got these candlesticks at a garage sale for $1. They used to be gold--so lovely in white with a little glaze for good measure!
Fun, fun, fun!