Gotta love it! Once again, I have been lucky enough to find some fabulous items at garage sales that will be great gifts for my children! Some are vintage things that you can't find in stores, that they will absolutely love (cause they're a little like me)!

This is a Petri circa 1960's, 45 mm camera that we found for $2! One of my 15 year-old triplets loves this kind of vintage stuff. (I don't know if you can even purchase 45 mm film anymore, I had never heard of it, that's what makes it so cool to me!)

When we looked it upon e-Bay...we found that they are going for between $40-60!

Minus the top cover, it is in really good condition!

Remarkable! She'll love it!

My 11-year old daughter collects and wears hats, she is my little Mad Hatter...$1 for this gently used cutie!

She also collects and LOVES stuffed animals...
Boyds Bears, under $10 collectively!

Woo hoo!

These are for the other two triplets...they are both extraordinary "writers" and passionate about traveling abroad when they are older. One is taking french and wants to participate in a foreign exchange program her senior year...

...the other triplet dreams about Ireland. I found this whole collection free of charge from a worn out garage sale merchant. My daughter will be thirlled!

Lasty, I have been looking for a floral sphere to go in this little gem of a vessel. When I was at
Michaels recently I saw them for over $10, I spotted this one for $1! (Let me say another woo hoo!) The tags were still attached but it had an ugly little cheapie bow, so I came home and added a nice new one!
It makes me happy, and is very festive in my bathroom! After the holidays, I will just turn it upside down and hide the bow on the inside for everyday use!
How about that?!!
Merry (Thrifty) Christmas!!!

Your turn, you know the off some of your fabulous finds!